4 Funny Ways To Tackle Staring When You Study Chinese in China
Article by Kane Holding
When you study Chinese in China expect to attract some curious glances. Naturally, China is not the only country in the world where foreigners are stared at, but it could be ranked as one of the most extreme especially when you are outside the major cities. There is no reason to be alarmed; getting stared at for your western features such as blond hair or dark skin is nothing to feel awkward about. Here are some things you can do to maximize the potential of enjoyment for both parties in any staring situation
The Overjoyed SmileIf you are being stared at directly this one usually works with good effect. Put a huge over exaggerated smile on, this will usually be reciprocated almost immediately. Everybody likes being smiled at, what is more funny, half the time the other side has no idea what is going on. If you are doing it to a child however expect some tears as to them we are "white/black ghosts."
The Creepy, Slow Head TiltThis one causes different responses, but if you in a mood to muck around then why not after all they are the ones staring. In an effort to strike momentary confusion or even to spook your starrer you may choose to aim your gaze their way while mec Apply Chinese Universities hanically rotating your head as if you are about to stare at something else. If you can keep a straight face, this one can earn you some confused or very spooked onlookers. It will definitely make you fit into the "white/black ghost" outfit.
The Mega GaspIf a study Chinese in china student can artfully pull this one off normally it creates a few good chucks with surrounding friends. This one is a great one for shocking, possibly embarrassing and then indirectly "shoving" your starrer onwards. As they look at you, act more shocked to see them than they are of you. Exaggerate, have fun with it. If you do it well you can out-wow them by metaphorically turning the camera around. Most Chinese don't particularly like to stick out so this one usually gets them "on their bike."
"Stick Out"Th! is one c an only be performed if you have headphones on before the stare match begins. When the staring begins "run with it"; if you already stick out - then stick out more. When the stare down begins, considering you are already the centre of attention, get more attention, use it and shock them more. Play the type of music that gets your blood bubbling and gets your energy up, then dance while you walk, flail and lip-sync as hard as you can. Serious faces do help here. It is not important whether you get more people looking at you, or even if you get looks of disapproval, the point is, "if they are going to stare, then you might as well have fun with it!"
As a study Chinese in China student staring will be something you will slowly get used to. It is nothing which should bother or intimate you, if they want to stare -let them