China Cultural Chronicles January 24, 2013

  • China Plum Blossom Art Center to officially open to the public


    Photo taken on Jan. 23, 2013 shows an embroidery work at China Plum Blossom Art Center in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province. The China Plum Blossom Art Center with the theme of plum blossom will be officially open to the public in February this year. [Xinhua/Li Xiang]

  • Healthy, creative dishes for coming Spring Festival


    Photo taken on Jan. 23, 2013 shows a creative dish in Taipei, southeast China's Taiwan. Dieticians from Taiwan University Hospital created ten dishes mostly made from vegetables and fruits, promoting a healthy dinner in the coming Spring Festival. [Xinhua/Wu Ching-teng]

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  • Lhasa welcomes 6.5 mln tourists in 2012



    Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, received 6.5 million tourists in 2012, regional tourism authorities revealed on Wednesday.

    Renowned as the "sun city," Lhasa has seen a 26.5-percent year-on-year increase in tourist arrivals from home and abroad in 2012, according to the regional department of tourism.

    In 2012, booming tourism brought the city an income of 6.55 billion yuan(about 1.43 billion U.S. dollars), a 28.12-percent year-on-year increase.

    Traditional Tibetan festivals attracted tourists to the plateau capital to enjoy its unique customs and natural scenery, said Wang Ping, deputy director with the regional department of tourism.

    For last year's Shoton (Yogurt) Festival alone, Lhasa received over one million tourists, bringing an income of 306 million yuan.

    The Shoton Festival, which literally means "yogurt banquet festival," is one of the most important festivals for Tibetans. It dates back to the 11th century when it began as a religious occasion for local residents to offer yogurt to monks who had finished their meditation retreats.

    In 2013, Lhasa tourism authorities will strive to ensure the city's fast development as a tourist destination, targeting 7.8 million tourist arrivals, according to Wang.

  • 六舟所有 大紅袍 雞血石 印盒 Chicken blood stone seal box 19th century

    Ken CTHong has added a photo to the pool:

    六舟所有  大紅袍 雞血石 印盒 Chicken blood stone seal box 19th century

    (1791-1858)清代篆刻家、書畫家。 僧人。 字六舟,又字秋檝,別號寒泉、南屏退叟等,浙江省海昌人。 俗姓姚,為白馬寺僧;一說本姓陳,名畯。 善篆刻,尤精摹拓古器、碑帖, 阮元譽為"金石僧"。 工篆、隸書,擅山水、花卉,得青藤老人縱逸之風。 曾作《群仙祝壽圖》; 傳世畫蹟有《墨梅圖》,現藏故宮博物館。 亦好收藏,精鑑別,曾築磨磚作鏡室及墨王樓以儲古物, 所藏唐代懷素《小字千文》真跡,為稀世珍寶。 因追慕懷素以蕉葉代紙練字而名所居曰"綠天庵", 乃自號"小綠天庵僧"。 與何紹基、戴熙交往甚密。 曾主持杭州西湖淨慈寺、蘇州滄浪亭大雲庵。 著有《小綠天庵吟草》、《寶素室金石書畫編年錄》、《山野紀事詩》等。

  • Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Coyolicatzin has added a photo to the pool:

    Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Laozi, filósofo fundador del taoísmo.
    Esta escultura de mármol blanco de 1,93 m de altura estaba en un palacio de la dinastía Tang. Se considera un Tesoro Cultural Nacional de China.

  • Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Coyolicatzin has added a photo to the pool:

    Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Relieve de la tumba del emperador Wuzong (dinastía Tang, año 846).

  • Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Coyolicatzin has added a photo to the pool:

    Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Uno de los seis caballos de batalla de la tumba del emperador Zhao (dinastía Sui: 581-618)

  • Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Coyolicatzin has added a photo to the pool:

    Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Relieve de piedra caliza de la tumba del emperador Taizong (dinastía Tang, s. VII) que representa uno de sus seis caballos de batalla favoritos con un palafrenero.

  • Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Coyolicatzin has added a photo to the pool:

    Xi'an: Bosque de las Estelas

    Rinoceronte monumental de piedra. Guardaba la tumba de Li Yuan, primer emperador de la dinastía Tang (618-907).

  • Walking on the bund

    Antonio0106 has added a photo to the pool:

    Walking on the bund

    Ordinary life

  • Ming Shi Tian Yuen 28 - Guangxi, China

    wilsonchong888 has added a photo to the pool:

    Ming Shi Tian Yuen 28 - Guangxi, China

    Fujinon XF 35mm F1.4 R + Fujifilm X-Pro 1

  • Ming Shi Tian Yuen 27 - Guangxi, China

    wilsonchong888 has added a photo to the pool:

    Ming Shi Tian Yuen 27 - Guangxi, China

    Fujinon XF 35mm F1.4 R + Fujifilm X-Pro 1

  • In the Shade

    wilsonchong888 has added a photo to the pool:

    In the Shade

    Fujinon XF 35mm F1.4 R + Fujifilm X-Pro 1

  • people on Tajiks' wedding

    woOoly has added a photo to the pool:

    people on Tajiks' wedding

  • people on Tajiks' wedding

    woOoly has added a photo to the pool:

    people on Tajiks' wedding

  • Folk culture displayed in temple fair in China


    File photo taken on Jan. 23, 2012 shows a visitor films temple fair activities in Zhengzhou, capital of central China's Henan Province. Temple fair in central China area is an important social activity for local people. The ancient temple fairs in central China were ceremonious sacrificial rituals. As time goes by, the focus of temple fair activities has shifted from "gods" to "people". The modern temple fair in central China is a platform of displaying folk culture as well as a channel for commodity circulation. According to statistics from the provincial cultural sector, there are about 35,000 temple fairs each year in Henan. [Xinhua/Wang Song]


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