We want! Made in India, candy-colored, vintage-style luggage
We want! Made in India, candy-colored, vintage-style luggage
When looks trump convenience: Nappa Dori's trunks might not have wheels, but they've got plenty of style. Divya Dugar
For travelers who value fashion and functionality, custom-made trunks and cases are making steamship style hip again
By Divya Dugar Divya Dugar now freelances as a photojournalist for various publications, works on documentaries and travels non-stop.
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<p><a href="http://cnngo.disqus.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftravel.cnn.com%2Fvintage-luggage-india-395441">View the discussion thread.</a></p>
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(Financial Times)
9 easy ways to make a flight attendant go insane
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Saudis maintain high spending strategy
(Financial Times)