Cool Couples Coordinating Clothing!!!

Would you ever consider matching your significant other whenever you two are out and about together? I personally would say no, but that is not the case for most couples here in China. When you travel to Beijing, prepare to see couples wearing matching t-shirts as well as males carrying females' purses. When I saw this phenomenon for the first time, I thought it was just a weird coincidence, but then as I began to participate in more touristy activities, I noticed everywhere there were couples that were purposefully matching each other. If you travel to Beijing with a significant other, be sure to bring plenty of coordinating outfits in order to fit in!

The very first time I came across this fashion statement, I was on my way home from work on the subway. I looked to my left and slightly chuckled to myself for the couple next to me was so perfectly coordinated. From their shoes to their shirts, the couple was almost identical. The man was wearing neon pink shoes. I do not know of any guy who would be willing to match his girlfriend to that extent. However, after seeing this for the first time, I merely passed it off as them just being a little odd, but little did I know that I would encounter this trend all over the streets of Beijing.

Apparently, this trend began somewhere in South Korea and has made its way over to China. Although I believe that it will be awhile before this trend reaches the United States, if it ever even does, I think it is very amusing. The men who are willing to match their girlfriends are very brave and have to be very comfortable with their sexuality, for the men I know would rather drop dead before wearing the same exact shirt as their girlfriends because then they would be seen as wearing a "girl's shirt." Not only do Beijing couples tend to match, they are also a lot more affectionate in public than couples are in America. If it is late at night and you find yourself walking the busy city streets of Beijing, it is not uncommon to see a couple kissing in the middle of the sidewalk. Not only are they very open about displaying affection for each other, but they are also very touchy with one another. If you are behind a Chinese couple in a line, it is not uncommon for the guy to somehow be touching the female or holding her closer to him. This is especially evident on the subways. Although I'm sure there are many other differences between western couples and Chinese couples, these are the main characteristics I have noticed.

When you travel to Beijing, prepare yourself for this site and make a mental note that the first couple you see doing this is not abnormal or just funny. I honestly wish I understood more about this trend, but for now it just remains to be one of those things that differentiate American and Chinese couples. The main thing holding my interest here is why? Why do they match and what does it symbolize other than the obvious fact that they are indeed a couple?

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