Hot Pot!
If you ever travel to Beijing and want to try some traditional Chinese food, hot pot is a dish you should definitely consider! Comparable to fondue, hot pot is a delicious meal that can be shared with either a large group or a select few individuals. Either way, if you decide to go to a hot pot restaurant, be sure to put aside plenty of time to thoroughly enjoy it. When people are planning to travel to Beijing or any other city in China, they are typically skeptical about the food and expect it to be the opposite of delicious, but hot pot is a dish that will easily change that mindset. Hot pot is one of my favorite dishes that I have tried so far since arriving in Beijing.
When you order hot pot, you can expect to have several "soup" options, which is what you will be cooking your food in. The flavors range from being milder to slightly more spicy or you can get two different kinds of soup flavors depending on the restaurant. I opted for a spicier soup, which was very tasty with a lot of flavor. After ordering the soup to cook your food in, you can order meat, vegetables, or a plethora of other Chinese cuisines. Depending on what you order, you also can make your own dipping sauce. Due to the fact that I ordered shrimp dumplings, I mixed a seafood sauce with garlic and onion, but because I was cooking my food in a spicy soup, I found that my sauce was unnecessary. However, there are many options when making your dipping sauce. Your dish can be as flavorful or spicy as you wish.
Hot pot has been in existence for over one thousand years and has consequently become popular in all areas of China. Depending on the region, you can find different styles of hot pot. The main ways in which hot pot differ have a lot to do with the ingredients used. In different regions, there are differences in which ingredients are available and which ones are not. In Beijing, I found it surprising that we were unable to find any sort of chicken on the menu, but there were many different variations of beef. Although the translations as to what things are in English may seem to be a bit off, do not let that deter you from trying something. For instance, on the menu they had an option they translated as "urinating beef balls," which sounds really strange, but we gave it a try and it was just a juicy meatball and was absolutely delicious. Do not be afraid to be a little adventurous, but feel free to play it safe as well.
Similar to most Chinese dishes, hot pot is delectable and will not be a disappointment. When the decision is made to travel to Beijing, the decision to try hot pot should occur simultaneously! Since arriving in Beijing, all of the food I have had the opportunity to try has been amazing, but I have yet to try something I enjoy as much as hot pot.
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